AI tools for Outcome Harvesting
I’ve developed the bots below using OpenAI’s function to create custom GPT’s. They are currently in a testing phase. Anyone who would like to try these bots can email me and receive a link to the bots. In return for using them, I would like to ask you to provide feedback on the functioning of the bots.
Harvest Helper
The Harvest Helper assists in harvesting outcomes through insightful questioning.
More specifically it can:
Help you identify outcomes by chatting with you and then help you formulate these outcomes.
Refine your draft outcome statements.
Identify outcomes in your documents.
Click below to see a demonstration of how the bot works.
Harvest analyst
The Harvest Analyst helps you to analyse and interpret your outcomes.
More specifically it can:
Categorise your outcomes
Detect trends and patterns
Create visuals of trends and patterns
Provide input to answer your monitoring or evaluation question.